We live in the boonies, that's not to say you do, too. We don't have access to cable, not that we could afford it anyway. We could have a Dish system, but I have too many friends who complain that it is always cutting out just when the movie gets good, plus, like I said, we're trying to cut costs.
So, I got on the internet in November 2008, and ordered my coupons for the converter boxes, and I may have been one of the last ones to get the coupons! I called around to the stores to see who had the best prices--and they do vary, even for the same, exact item! A little F.Y.I.--the sales guy at K-Mart told me to get the Zenith brand because it was a lot better than the Panasonic or Sony models, for the same price. He said people come in, and if K-Mart doesn't have the Zenith, they wait for it to come it. So, I got the Zenith.
When home and hooked it up, very easy. We have a large outside antenna, so I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Wrong! It appears that some of your favorite stations moved to a UHF channel in conversion and somehow, our-and probably your-regular old TV antenna, that always received UHF signals, now doesn't!
I started reading about supplimental antennas, and there are a lot! I found one that was for inside that was pretty good, if you're within 20 miles of the tower, but it also was somewhat flimsy and broke alot. Not good at $30 a pop!
Then I started reading reviews of both indoor and outdorr antennas. The one we finally picked is from Antennas Direct, and it is WONDERFUL. And, get this, you can use it indoors or outdoors! And, it costs less than $40! See the link in the side bar for more details.
I'll be giving you more hints, tips and resources, so stay tuned!
Antennas Direct DB2 Multi Directional HDTV Antenna
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